Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tournament of Champions (philosophical nitpicking is for idiots)

I hate that someday im going to die and this has severely affected the entirety of my life. The end is nigh! The end is nigh! And im watching Jeopardy! and drinking guiness. Dinosaurs. New World College Dictionary. Women of Country. Musical Instruments. If its Tuesday, this must be Belgium! I miss you for 600! What is chiraz? Who is faith hill? What is Georgia on my mind? What is gulf war syndrome? What is karaoke in the kitchen? Who is bruce springsteen? What is the end all be all of existence? Failure or failing to say the right thing is a terrible thing to undergo because there are a million other things you could’ve said that could’ve been better but there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Everything dies baby that’s a fact! Someone said that, paul or bruce, or camus, or karl marx. I cant keep track of all the things I hear. Why do you smoke cigarettes? Typically, I smoke them to kill time.