Saturday, March 29, 2008

Three-way With Dorothy

Oh, hello good friend! Yes,
yes come in. Of course! You
know you’re always welcome
here. What brings you to the
Lake District? Ah, I see, Leiden’s
not so far from here. You say you
met a gyspy gal in France?! My
word! And you traded her
your heart for a harmonica?
“Yeah that’s right, though, I
don’t think it was a fair trade.
I mean, it sings beautifully, but
the damn thing only plays the
blues.” Sounds like you’ve had
quite a journey in B-minor.
Tell me all about it over
tea and swirling smoke.

Believe you me, I know exactly
what you mean. And yes,
Audrey Hepburn is a babe. Let’s
take her to Paris, and reenact the
first chapter of the Dharma Bums
underneath the Eiffel Tower.
Hot damn! Would’ya look at that,
the sun is coming up.
We’ve talked clear through
the night, and greeted the
dawn with fireflies. What
now then? A morning walk
through time and space? That’s
a lot of ground to cover, thank
Buddha we know the shortcuts:
Follow the rain on empty streets,
Turn left on Columbus,
Run, make your lungs
Scream for mercy.
If you hit middle-aged,
You’ve gone too far.

I guess it is true, after all;
we seem to be made
to suffer, it’s our
lot in life.
It is a joke!

Remember when
we were sixteen,
and we plotted
to take
over the world?
Surnames from Native
American ghosts and
MacBeth’s battle dress.
If you’re gonna’ go
balls out, you might
as well wear a
skirt, aye?

Oh, you said it friend—
No one tells a dirty joke
like Shakespeare.

And me and you,
we know answers
don’t mean shit. We
know the real importance:
all our questions are
the same.

We share it all together,
Drinks ands dreams, laughs
and lusty wenches.
What’s mine is yours,
and vices versa.
Any wise man or
fool will tell you what
nirvana is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i have to say, youve evolved more as a writer in these 6 months than you have in the last 6 years. your sharp tone has a cynical wit that reminds me of a youthful, contempory, voice heading towards the raw roads paved by the black pioneers (bukowski and celine to name the few). Right now, im in a fucking starbucks surrounded by obnoxious americans and menstruating i cant delve into this comment with this mindless chatter clouding my senses. Ill get back to this and fill in the gaps of generality when when i get my internet fixed and am able to fucking think so i can spit out something a bit more productive...over all im very impressed, love the style, like your unique youthful touch on it...keep writin ill hear from you soon...oh btw i didnt read the other ones yet, i only paid for 30 mins of net time here...dont ask me why i started with this one, i guess the title intrigued me